DW Treatment and Insurance
Do you feel like a child with Dandy Walker in CA and NY has the same access to treatment and coverage?  I’m speaking in the insured world but I’d love everyone’s perspective on both insured and uninsured to help to educate us all and develop a guide.
Are you looking for resources in your state?
The below link lists, by state, resources that may be available to you or your child. Everything from Advocacy to Early Intervention programs for whatever state you live in. If you need help finding a service, this is a great place to start! http://www.nichcy.org/Pages/StateSpecificInfo.aspx?State=AL
The Dandy-Walker Alliance Blog is born!
Welcome to the Dandy-Walker Alliance Blog page. This forum is a place for dialogue by advocates, families, researchers, clinicians and individuals affected directly or indirectly by Dandy-Walker and the issues that are important to our community.